Mar 11, 2019
Jacqueline Mifsud is comedian, actor, writer and TV and radio host. She developed her comedic style and quick wit over four years while working as a tour guide in Paris. She performed three-hour-long walking tours around the city of light, mainly for backpackers. As she was paid only in tips, Jacqueline quickly learnt how to read an audience and use humour to make enough money to pay rent (and buy baguettes and bottles of vin rouge). She struck a balance between education and entertainment, while competing against pickpockets,street-performers and Starbucks. Now based in Melbourne, Jacqueline travels about doing jokes whilst trying to figure out which beers make her wheezy. We talk a lot about failure in comedy and the various forms it may take, when our jokes bomb. This is when the crowd doesn’t laugh and we dive deep into the feelings behind it. For more information contact her on Follow @Funny in Failure on Insta and FB and @Michael_Kahan on Insta to keep up to date with the latest info.